From the book by D.A. Kunaev "About my time" 2012. Ed. "Almaty Kitap Baspasy"
"... I am a native of Verny, now Almaty. I love the city of my childhood and youth very much. It has its own, albeit small, but rich history.
Academician V.V. Back in the 19th century, Bartold discovered traces of the ancient Kazakh settlement of Almaty on the northern slope of the Zailiyskiy Alatau. In 1854, the Zailiyskoe fortification was laid in its place, later renamed Vernoye. Major M.D. Przemysl. In 1868, Verny acquired the status of a city and became the center of the Semirechensk region. The first Kazakh scientist Chokan Valikhanov, well-known researchers of Central Asia, travelers, geographers, botanists, geologists have repeatedly visited here for scientific purposes. Among them are such prominent scientists as P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and N.M. Przhevalsky, ethnographer G.N. Potanin, astronomer K.V. Struve, paleontologist I.V. Mushketov, artist V.V. Vereshchagin and many others. A lot of energy, strength, sharpness, and taste were invested in the arrangement of Verny by the military engineer A.P. Zenkov, the forestry scientist E.O. Baum, and other Vernensky devotees and enthusiasts who believed in a happy future for the city and the entire Semirechye. After the revolution in 1921, the city received its original name at the suggestion of Uraz Dzhandosov, a prominent party and statesman. In 1924 it became the center of Semirechye. When Turksib was built, the capital of Kazakhstan was transferred from Kzyl-Orda to Almaty. Not only Almaty residents, but also its guests - ours and foreign ones - consider the Kazakh capital one of the most beautiful cities.
Occupying a high and responsible position in the party, he never thought and did not expect to be the only leader of the gigantic, rich and glorious Kazakhstan and its people.
Posts, awards, degrees did not turn my head and could not change the moral qualities that I put above others in my life and work - simplicity, honesty, adherence to principles. Always tried to keep calm, be responsive and patient. But I confess: because of some gentleness and excessive kindness, I also had a lot of trouble.
I always understood that the Party and the people placed a great responsibility on me and expected an appropriate organizational and executive return in raising the productive forces of Kazakhstan, improving the well-being of the people. To solve these problems, the Party gave me everything I needed, power, rights, duties. This dictated to act decisively, to fulfill one's duty with honor and dignity. The party and the people showed me high confidence, and I was obliged - no matter how hard it took - to justify it.
For all these years, my main principle has been to help people. Everyone who contacted me tried to help. Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, I could not delve into every personal matter - and there were hundreds of them! He trusted, and sometimes retrusted, his subordinates, the apparatus, which presented convincing information and documents. According to very many statements, the Bureau of the Central Committee, the secretariat, the party commission made correct and objective decisions. These people, judging by my mail, still remember this.
He was ruthless to slanderers and slanderers, quarrelers and careerists, he dealt with them quite harshly. He tried to resolve all issues objectively, did not shout or be rude to anyone, treated people with respect.
He was in no hurry to solve large and complex issues and told his assistants: "Let the paper lie down, tomorrow it will be smarter." After additional consideration and study, a decision was made.
I had close contact with workers, scientists, artists and writers, as well as party, Soviet, Komsomol and trade union workers at various levels, and I never neglected their practical advice and suggestions.
Every year, in almost all regions of Kazakhstan, he met with teams of large industrial enterprises, construction organizations, state farms, collective farms, and scientific institutions. I visited construction sites, went down into the mines. He did not miss the opportunity to visit medical institutions, research institutes, and educational institutions. To get acquainted with the state of trade, he visited shops and markets. He did not shy away from communication with the ministers of religious cults and beliefs. Meetings with people of all professions, positions, ages gave me a lot in my practical activities: in conversations, our omissions, shortcomings, my mistakes were frankly mentioned. My interlocutors suggested a lot of good and valuable for fruitful work. From these meetings I received a great positive charge and confidence in the correctness of actions.
In any case, he tried to be careful and carry out all important events on the appointed day and hour, without postponing anything to a later date.
Having considerable experience in economic, scientific, state and party work, I had to work together, meet with prominent figures of our party and state, as well as many foreign politicians.
The past years have left a big mark on my life. It was a time of solving the diverse and complex problems of the development of the economy, science and culture of the republic, the steady growth of the well-being of the working people. The development of economic ties with all the republics contributed to the rapprochement and further strengthening of friendship between peoples. The correct implementation of the national policy created all the conditions for the further dynamic development of the diversified economy of Kazakhstan "its rich spiritual life..."
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